Strengths-Finder Resources
As a degreed student of the biological sciences, I LOVE the science of genetics and the probability that NO two people are genetically identical, even in the case of paternal twins. And what I love even more is something I have learned by experience: that no two people possess the exact same package of strengths, talents, and gifts. We each come with a set that is uniquely ours.
If you agree with my postulate that we all bring different gifts to the table, then you probably agree with my belief that we often need each other to make things happen and get things done. We are more than the sum of our parts and #togetherwecan.
The difficult thing for most people is not recognizing that this is true. Rather, it’s in determining what strengths they bring to the table of life and how they can contribute to the greater good.
Some strengths are obvious from childhood, like those exhibited by our “little leader” in The Cape. Some strengths, however, manifest only after we face something challenging or difficult, much like the way that muscles only hypertrophy and bulge after having repeated resistance placed against them. The potential is there, but manifestation comes based on requirement.
So, what’s the take-away? The point is that there is value in discovering your unique strengths and in using them to better yourself and the world. Contribute what is uniquely yours whenever you can.
You can access strength-finder resources online. But here is a short list of some of our favorite tools:
Love some of the explanation and research references on this homepage:
Free personality test:
Strengths and weaknesses aptitude test:
Discover your skills:
Free Personality Test – 41 Questions. 1 Personality:
Test is based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ personality type theory:
ColorQuiz is a free five-minute personality test:
Wingfinder explores your strengths in your professional life:
Marie Forleo on finding your special gift:
Link to Strength Finder by Tom Rath on Amazon:
The Element Book by Sir Ken Robinson’s:
What Color Is Your Parachute Book/Workbook:
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